Compelling stories that connect emotionally with your audience are a must if you are looking for community support and engagement. It can be a story about your origin, your mission, your impact on the community, your vision for the future, or a combination of the above.
Telling a story about your brand and creating an emotional connection with the viewer is more effective than just showcasing the benefits of your products or services. There are scientific studies about consumer behavior that link our decisions to the emotional level. A famous study by Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman concludes that “95 percent of our purchase decision making takes place in the subconscious mind”.
Documentaries are effective in reaching out to a wide audience and can be used to bring attention and awareness to an infinite range of topics.
This is the most important step and oftentimes the most overlooked. We then conduct pre-interviews to dive deeper into what's unique about you and your organization.
After you agree on the key elements of your project, we then embark on the task to find the most compelling characters for your story. They will be the key to create an emotional connection with the viewer and subsequently inspire action.
We intentionally combine all the elements of a compelling story, from the hook in the beginning, to the conflict, to the call to action at the end. A well crafted structure is critical to maintaining the audience engagement.
Now that we have a clear roadmap, it's time to work on the pre-production (making calls, scouting locations, sorting equipment, defining the crew, etc.) to make sure the filming goes smoothly during production. Then, the magic happens in the post-production, when we transfer the footage to the editing room and bring your story to life with editing, color correcting, sound mixing and music.
Your story is ready for approval. Because we take so many steps to make sure your vision becomes reality, the only surprise here may be a teardrop or two :)